It seems more and more Americans are exhausted with “woke” corporations, identity politics, and left-leaning economic recklessness.

According to a new poll from Harvard/CAPS Harris, 45 percent of 2,980 registered voters selected former President Donald Trump as their preferred choice over 39 percent who voted for our current president. An additional 15 percent said they were unsure.

According to a Rasmussen Reports survey, Trump was found to have an identical lead of six percentage points. And according to RealClear Politics polling average, Trump stands at a 2.4 percentage point lead in a “hypothetical rematch with President Biden.”

Trump also receives a favorable lead against opponent and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as well as other registered Republicans.

In a recent survey comparing the preferences of registered Republicans, 67 percent expressed their support for Trump when pitted against DeSantis in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup. Moreover, Trump emerged victorious in another theoretical matchup against Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), with an overwhelming 77 percent of respondents choosing Trump as their preferred candidate.

The survey also shed light on public opinion regarding the Trump indictment, with a significant portion of respondents perceiving it as politically motivated and potentially interfering with elections. Specifically, 55 percent of those surveyed believed the indictment to be politically motivated, while a slightly higher number, 56 percent, viewed it as an act of election interference.

The most recent poll results bring a sense of optimism to Republican governors and Republican-controlled state legislatures, highlighting public support for certain policy measures. A significant majority of respondents, reaching 82 percent, expressed their favor for legislation aimed at bolstering parental rights in education. Similarly, 74 percent of those surveyed supported the expansion of both charter schools and private schools.

When it came to matters concerning gender identity, a substantial 78 percent of respondents voiced their belief that sex-change surgeries should be prohibited for minors. In the realm of immigration, conservative stances resonated with the public, as 68 percent of those surveyed expressed their view that measures should be taken to discourage illegal immigrants from settling in the United States.

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