Transparency. That’s the term Speaker of House Kevin McCarthy focused on when responding to journalists on his thoughts in releasing the over 40,000 hours of surveillance footage from the Jan. 6 riot to Tucker Carlson.

In a recorded video of the speaker surrounded by journalists, McCarthy responded to one journalist who asked him, “Mr. Speaker, because of the footage that you gave Tucker Carlson, last night he went on said this was mostly a peaceful chaos, as he said – he downplayed Brian Sicknick’s death said it was not related to Jan. 6, said it was not an insurrection. Do you regret giving him the footage so he could whitewash the events of that day?”

“No, I said at the very beginning, TRASNPARENCY, and so what I want to produce for everybody is exactly what I said, the people can actually look at it and see what went on that day,” McCarthy stated.

In response to a CNN journalist, McCarthy said, “look, each person can come up with their own conclusion but what I just want to make is because what I just want to make sure on is that I have transparency.” He continued, “Look, the officers and deaths were tragic and anytime an officer has passed in this situation, I want to make sure they are protected, I want to make sure the transparency goes forward.

In a recent tweet shared by @Bennyjohnson:

It seems that the same questions were asked in attempts to get a different response from the speaker, but he remained clear on his stance of transparency and wanting the American people to make up their own minds. That is worth respect.

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