Is American Education Propaganda?

At this point, it’s safe to say most Americans are unhappy with the current education system in America.

Education is such an important component of American society and the future of our very nation… which makes you question why our government isn’t allocating more time, money, and resources to make improvements.

Even worse, the majority of the history taught in our schools is American propaganda. Most of what is being taught to our children is the stretched “truth.”


American education never gives the perspective of both sides. The Middle East, China, and Russia would likely consider our textbooks to be fiction.

In this Saturday, May 13, 2017 photo, Lil Miss Hot Mess poses for a photo with a child after reading to a group of children during the Feminist Press’ presentation of Drag Queen Story Hour! at the Park Slope Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library, in New York. “Drag queens and children don’t usually get together, which I think is a shame and one of the benefits of a program like this,” Lil Miss Hot Mess said. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Do you ever wonder why our schools don’t incorporate financial literacy, nutrition, or true critical thinking skills?

Ask Americans how they feel about public education and most will tell you it’s an epic fail from every aspect. Education doesn’t teach the future generations of America anything useful to their future.

Considering the fact that 45% of Americans have $0 in their bank accounts and nearly 6 in 10 Americans don’t have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense, it’s very evident that most people have no idea how to manage their finances.

Our politicians and those who create our curriculum think teaching our children about sexuality, gender identity, and the like are much more important… This what they are prioritizing.

To say they don’t have an agenda is admitting ignorance.

Americans are struggling with so many issues that can easily be resolved by changing our education’s curriculum.

READ MORE: Betsy DeVos Calls to Abolish the Department of Education

It’s All by Design

We elect our politicians to improve our taxpayer funded programs. They fail… every. single. time.

Our politicians send their children to the most elite private schools.

They know what makes a great education, and that’s exactly why they don’t send their own kids to the same schools as the average American.

Public schools are a disgrace and intentionally designed to “dumb down” Americans and make them docile, ignorant, and culturally unaware.

It’s the sad truth.

Schools are used to indoctrinate and further agendas certain groups in particular are pushing to completely obliterate American culture and traditions in its entirety.

College? It’s a Scam.


The majority of college students will tell you that they didn’t learn much, and their degree certainly does not meet the value they are paying and getting into debt for.

College institutions are just another way to create debt slaves and further the agendas to indoctrinate the young.

Again, this is all by design. Our public schools which are funded by the government (and ironically enough, tax payer dollars) are used to subvert its own people. 

Yuri Bezmenov called this over 30 years, in the name of “ideological subversion” or psychological warfare.

America is being destroyed from within. 

In Yuri’s words, he defines subversion as the following:

“What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

1. Demoralization

Demoralization is a process that is “irreversible”. Bezmenov believed (back in 1984) that the process of demoralizing America was already completed.

2. Destabilization

Once demoralization is completed, the second stage of ideological brainwashing is “destabilization”. During this 2-5 year period, what matters is the targeting of essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. Basically, the subverter (Russia) would look to destabilize every one of those areas in the United States, considerably weakening it.

3. Crisis

The third stage would be “crisis”. It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis, explained Bezmenov. The crisis would bring “a violent change of power, structure, and economy” and will be followed by the last stage, “normalization.” That’s when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.

It would take another generation and another couple of decades to get the people to think differently and return to their patriotic American values, according to Bezmenov.

4. Normalization

Normalization is the final stage of psychological warfare. At this point, people will be used to the “new way of life,” and likely unaware or ignorant of what has happened to their nation.

Bezemnov says “this is when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality”

It would take another generation and another couple of decades to get the people to think differently and return to their patriotic American values, according to Bezmenov.


WATCH: Yuri Bezmenov’s Warning to America


READ MORE: Why Innovation is Critical to a Successful Business


Elena Patestas is a journalist and writer for Valuetainment media. She attended Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, and Adelphi University on Long Island, New York. She was born and raised in Roslyn, New York, and currently lives in Miami, Florida.

Elena is passionate about bringing positive change to our world and believes education is the root to solving many societal problems. After overcoming a chronic health condition, Elena became passionate about health and believes food is the key to preventing dis-ease and achieving optimum health.

Amongst her many goals, she hopes to bring positive, impactful change to our world to create a healthy, financially sound, and unified society.

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