A doctor named Leana Wen has a couple of side hustles. One is as a medical analyst for CNN, and another is as a columnist for the Washington Post.  She comments and writes on observations on the pandemic, including masking, lockdowns, and other related subjects, including vaccines. On Friday, her column let the cat out of the bag regarding what most sensible people already knew. 

The medical community is exaggerating and “overcounting” the number of deaths and hospitalizations related to Covid.  It was an astonishing proclamation; she cited sources that said, “patients diagnosed with COVID are actually in the hospital for some other illness.”

She got blasted on Twitter for not saying this month or years ago, and it would be hard to argue she didn’t deserve it.  

Here’s more from her column on the subject of COVID deaths. 

”According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States is experiencing around 400 COVID deaths every day. At that rate, there would be nearly 150,000 deaths a year. But are these Americans dying from COVID or with COVID?”

Wen cited two infectious disease experts who said the same thing — death numbers attributed to COVID are much high than the actual number of people who die from COVID. 

One of those experts is Robin Dretler, an attending physician at Emory Decatur Hospital in Georgia. He told Wen that 90% of patients diagnosed with COVID are hospitalized for a different reason. 

“If these patients die, COVID might get added to their death certificate along with the other diagnoses. But the coronavirus was not the primary contributor to their death and often played no role at all.”

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