Elite Democratic Party operatives are growing ever more concerned about Democratic primary candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The Hill put out an interesting peace which displayed their liberal bias a bit.

Some could even argue that it was a subtle mainstream media hit piece on the insurgent candidate.

But they did cover the guy, and they did acknowledge that his candidacy should be taken seriously.

That’s hard to deny as Kennedy continues to punch decent numbers in the polls.

A new CNN poll has President Joe Biden at 60% with Kennedy at 20%, and Marianne Williamson getting 8% of the vote.

Michael Ceraso, a former aide, interestingly enough, to both Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg, told the Hill that, “Democrats would be foolish to mock or belittle RFK Jr. Every time we make fun of those who hold fringe positions, we lose.”

The Hill seems surprised that he’s been getting support despite, as they say, Kennedy’s “fondness for espousing theories about politics and science without credible evidence.”

However, on an interview with Breaking Points, a popular YouTube channel, Kennedy pointed to over 12 specific studies revealing grave, long term health effects of taking various vaccines.

And the long term studies on the Covid vaccine impact specifically won’t be out for a number of years.

Hard to say his viewpoint that federal workers and Americans shouldn’t be forced to get a vaccine is one based without evidence.

But the mainstream media can ignore the once long-shot challenger no longer.

He’s taken an unorthodox approach, making the rounds on popular YouTube and alternate media sources of all stripes. He hasn’t gone just on the liberal left leaning platforms, but instead has had a long-form discussion with Jordan Peterson on his YouTube page, and was hosted by Elon Musk on his “Twitter Spaces” platform.

The audience totaling all those views, roughly would translate out to about 10 million.

In 2016, roughly 30 million Democrats voted in their primary. While the majority of those viewers probably won’t specifically end up voting in the Democratic primary, even the small chunk who will should make up a real percentage of the early voting primary states.

The media tried to black Kennedy out, with Fox News being the primary cable channel to feature him shortly after his run. It took about a month for Kennedy to appear on CNN, and he has yet to be hosted on MSNBC.

Kennedy’s also been getting traction for his unorthodox views. In addition to being skeptical about the vaccines long-term safety, he also said he would permanently close the border, taking a stance that runs to the right of the Democratic Party.

And Kennedy has actually been going to places that have been featured prominently within the political discourse.

He went to Yuma, Arizona to speak to migrants, as well as border patrol agents. He wanted to get on the ground information and witness the border crisis for himself:

No other candidate, neither Democrat nor GOP, has visited Yuma. It’s a smart play as voters look for a candidate more connected to the country.

And while Democratic National Committee nixed the idea of sponsoring a debate, Elon Musk has flirted with hosting his own. With over 150 million followers, he could get Kennedy and Williamson an audience that would come close to size of CNN’s anyway.

Kennedy is playing a modern game, while Biden is hoping the traditions of power will save him. We’ll keep you posted.


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