Blackwater founder Erik Prince predicts that China will attempt to invade Taiwan in the spring of 2024. He made this concerning prediction during an appearance on GBNews hosted by former British parliament member Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Blackwater is a private military company that operates across the world and has been tapped by the American government to carry out covert operations. Prince, a former Navy SEAL, is an advocate of the use of mercenaries, arguing that it is a longstanding tradition of American and British strategy and that it is more efficient than bloated military bureaucracies. He is also an avid follower of geopolitics.

As Prince told Mogg:

“It seems, as an American, like we’re in a second version of the Carter administration from ‘77 through 1980. The foreign policy setbacks that we’re experiencing are often and increasing in occurrence. Apparently you can shoot at American Navy warships hundreds of times and shoot at Americans in the Middle East without consequence. Now you have the Houthis who have even blocked one of the busiest waterways of the planet, taking out 50 percent of the global container trade.”

“Again, it’s a catastrophic loss of American credibility and deterrence. It started really by our inability to finish properly in Iraq and Afghanistan and it’s just cascaded from there. And so I’m not surprised if Xi would try to bluster his way into a successful takeover of Taiwan: I’d be surprised if they don’t try something under the Biden administration, because for them it has to feel like the door is wide open for them to do whatever it is they want to do.”

Prince told Mogg that from his perspective, China will likely invade Taiwan this year but will wait until the spring.

“The weather window if they are going to do something by force in Taiwan opens around May or June because during most of the months of the year, it’s too windy,” Prince explained. “If they are going to take Taiwan by force I would predict that they are going to do something this spring.”

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Prince also had negative things to say about NATO:

President Trump was right to complain about NATO not paying their share. I think it’s only five or six of the 28 countries that are members that still pay 2 per cent of their GDP in defense. A huge amount of defense stocks have been transferred from those NATO countries to Ukraine and have been consumed in the battlefield. They haven’t been replaced yet and so Europe has a bit of a wakeup call They need to crank up that industrial base otherwise they’re going to find there’s not the supply they need when they need it.”

Related: Is NATO a Peacekeeping Organization or the Reason WWIII is Closer Than Ever Before?

During the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in mid-November, Chinese officials asked US President Joe Biden in advance to publicly voice support for China’s “reunification” with Taiwan after his meeting with Xi, according to NBC News. They also asked him to condemn the Taiwanese movement for independence. The White House rejected the request.

During his meeting with Biden, Xi point-blank told Biden that China will invade and take over Taiwan, but said a timeframe has not been decided upon yet.

Watch Patrick Bet-David discuss how a war between China and Taiwan will go down below, or read a text version of the video here.

Shane Devine is a writer covering politics, economics, and culture for Valuetainment. Follow Shane on X (Twitter).

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