The biggest story coming out of the Met Gala last week was the dress worn by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
It was white, with red letter saying “Tax the Rich.”
It made for great headlines for the Democratic-Socialist, but the irony is the designer of AOC’s dress, Aurora James, is a long-time tax deadbeat who owes’ the IRS six figures in back taxes.
The New York Post reported that the majority of her arrears originated from an LLC she formed back in 2011 called Cultural Brokerage Agency, which is now known as Brother Vellies.
One of the problems for the company is they neglected to withhold income taxes from the paychecks of their employees in 2018 and 2019. That wracked up a tab of $14,798 with the Department of Taxation and Finance in New York.
It’s to like the state hasn’t been trying to collect the tax that is owed, as they’ve hit the fashion company with 15 warrants in the past six years.
The IRS has also made a strong run at James and her company, as they’ve slapped six liens on the company for a total of over $103,000.
The Post dug deeper, and found out that James received a pandemic relief loan of $41,666. She she was receiving money from the government while at the same time not paying the taxes that were owed.
The company was fined $17,000 by the New York Worker’s Compensation Board for not having the mandated worker’s-comp insurance for almost a year in 2017 and2018. That total is not up to $62,722.
The story in the Post also reported that her landlord filed eviction papers because James was over $25,000 behind on the lease for her office space in Brooklyn, and she was sued by her previous landlord for unpaid rent on her shop in Manhattan.
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