Entrepreneurs, corporate executives, business owners, and hungry, passionate, and aggressive young people looking to set their career up for success all are faced with one similar question, regardless of their age, job title or experience level; Is it worth the investment for me to attend a conference I believe could add jet fuel to my career?
In the post-pandemic world we all are navigating, that question becomes even more important because this is a time of unprecedented opportunity,,, if you are prepared.
Below is a list of 20 reasons we’ve compiled to showcase why attending a conference can be a game-changer for you and your future. The key to nabbing the optimal ROI on your investment to attend a conference however, is by making sure you are attending the right conference.
Take a moment to absorb the 20 points below, and then visit this link which will take you to a website providing everything you need to know about “The Vault 2021.” This is a conference coming up very soon, September 1-4 at The Diplomat Hotel in Miami.
It’s a conference that Valuetainment CEO Patrick Bet David has created from scratch, and then tweaked, nurtured, molded, and perfected over the past few years.
Simply put, The Vault is where you come to pour fuel on your ideas and discover the answers you need. It’s the place to find your tribe and learn proven strategies to grow your business.
With an All-Star cast of speakers, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to network at a luxury resort with people that can launch or enhance your career, this might be the one conference you discover is the right one for you.
20 Reasons To Attend A Conference:
1. To learn from the best/ meet experts and influential people
No entrepreneur, no matter how talented they are, can possibly know everything about everything. Attending networking and conference events is a chance to learn from other entrepreneurs who have been in similar positions and learn from their gains and their loses.
2. To create contacts
In today’s digital world, where most communication happens online, there’s nothing more valuable than face-to-face interaction. Networking events allow for these valuable interactions and to create contacts. The good thing about networking events is that they often allow for speed networking, allowing for multiple interactions in a set period of time. By partaking, you can massively extend your network base.
3. To generate customers
Depending on the type of networking or conference event, and the services you offer, you may find customers. A good way to generate customers at an event is by engaging in discussions about your services and by presenting in front of the crowds.
4. To learn about the industry
Often, entrepreneurs are too busy growing their business that they forget to see the wider industry and disruption can come as a major surprise. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to be prepared and attending events can shine a light on any industry changes, giving you time to plan and prepare ahead.
5. To find partners
Networking and conference events often have a specific topic and theme. Therefore, the people that attend the event are usually in a similar industry and have much in common. These events are perfect for finding new business partners by finding people that complement the services you offer. It can be useful talking to competitors too as you can potentially work together for an optimized version of a project.
6. To meet investors
The best way to engage the attention of an investor is by speaking directly to them. Face-to-face conversations can build trust and begin the foundation for a future relationship. Investors often attend networking and conference events to get to know the up-and-coming businesses in the industry.
7. To be inspired
Once you start networking with like-minded people it’s easy to find creativity, be inspired and come up with new ways to advance your business. You will come away from the event with new ideas and a new lease of life on your business.
8. To build recognition
Recognition can be one of the biggest obstacles for a start-up. Online marketing may not have the desired outcome if you don’t spread the word effectively. Networking is a great opportunity to meet potential customers and build recognition by engaging on your product or services. Most networking events allow for startups to stand or pitch in front of attendees which is a great opportunity to build recognition around your product or service.
9. Because you’ve got nothing to lose
No matter what industry you’re in, you’re guaranteed to pick up something when attending a networking or conference event. From making valuable connections to finding out what customers think of your product, there are many benefits to events.
10. Make Connections
There’s so much more to a conference than sitting in a room listening to someone lecture you. Many attendees of conferences say the biggest benefits they got was meeting people just like them.
Conferences May Be The Only Way For You To Connect With Certain People.
Just because someone does not have an active media presence in your community or represent a big name in your industry does not mean they do not have huge things to offer or potential insights and opportunities to share. I have made many connections with people that I only would have met at conferences.
11. Entrepreneurship Can Be Lonely!
Yes, as nice as it may have been at first to escape the office politics, backstabbing, etc. that goes along with interaction in a traditional j*b, you may experience “social withdrawals” from the excitement of interacting with people
12. Many Things Cannot Be Conveyed Online Or Over The Phone.
There have been people who sent me a vibe online or over the phone that was completely different from the one I got from meeting them in person. This may be good or bad, but you will get a better idea of who you are really working with.
13. Free Stuff!
Ok, this is one of the great perks of conference attendance but not a serious reason to attend one… but hey, they are fun!
14. You Cannot Pay For The Advice You Get After Midnight Over Drinks With The Pros.
Some of the best, most insightful business conversations I have had with people I look up to have come over drinks or after hours. Note: Drinking is not a requirement, but I enjoy it.
15. We’ll have several opportunities for Q & A. Sure it’s great from hearing from entrepreneurial experts, but we want to know the details and to be able to ask lots of questions. For several of our speakers, we’re making sure you have plenty of time to get your questions asked.
16. You must step outside your comfort zone to grow.
You’re probably thinking how you really don’t want to take a day out of your schedule to attend an event you’re not even sure you’re going to get much from (read reasons 1-5 again first). But events are such an incredible way to meet others who are right where you are. Every time I’m not sure if I really want to go to an event, I always end up so excited I attended. Whether it was that one idea that can completely transform my business, or meeting that one strategic partner, it makes it worth my while. Live events will never go away for the mere reason we are designed to connect. So why not connect with like-minded people who get why you really don’t want to leave your business for a day to attend an event? (We’re all right where you are.)
17. You will meet diverse people, coming from different cultural and educational backgrounds
Attending a conference will allow you to meet different individuals, who share diverse backgrounds and experiences.
18. They will encourage you to improve and grow personally and professionally
The individuals you’ll meet have a plethora of stories to share that can enlighten you.
Surrounding yourself with passionate people will encourage you to keep learning and growing in all aspects of your life. They can become a source of inspiration and a motivation to be a better, and fight for your dreams as they do. As Jim Rohn, a world-famous motivational speaker said, you are the average of 5 people you surround yourself with.
19 . Conferences give you the opportunity to travel and discover different and new places
Many conferences are held out of your hometown. This should not be a barrier but an extra incentive to go.
When you travel to go to a conference in a different city of yours, you have the opportunity to know a new place and discover its story, its architecture, its people, its culture…An event is the perfect opportunity to put together leisure and learning. What else can you ask for?
20. Exciting Announcements & New Products!
There are always exciting company announcements and products. Being first to hear about them will certainly justify attending conference!
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