In this video, Patrick Bet-David explains the danger of having a lone ranger mentality, which is just as prevalent in lower-level professionals as it is with entrepreneurs.

Being a “lone ranger” may be the worst thing you can be in business–and if you find yourself in that role, you’re likely there by choice. Long ranger mentality leads you to bang your head against the wall and it will drive you insane—as well as everyone else around you.

Here are some signs that you are developing this toxic trait.

1. Never Asking For Help

This comes from a place of pride. “Me? Asking for help? Do you know who I am and how much experience I have?” Whenever you find yourself being offended at the idea of asking for help, you know you’ve become too isolated.

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2. Never Asking “What Do You Think?”

You feel this shows insecurity. God forbid you reveal that you don’t have your mind made up about something. But the people at the top ask this question the most. This is what helps them identity their weakest areas…which leads to the next point.

3. Not Knowing Your Blind Spots

Avoiding blind spots is how a CEO stays in power. And you can only know your blind spot, by definition, if you ask other people, who have different perspectives and can see what you cannot.

4. Choosing to Become a Lone Ranger

Out of a hyper-individualistic philosophy, you may have consciously chosen to take this disastrous path. In that case, you can’t blame your parents, your teachers, or anyone else. This is on you, and you have to confront this and own up to it.

5. Neglecting Quality Control

This ties into pride as well as blind spots. Quality control means testing everything you plan to do before you do it. Never assume you have it all under wraps. There can always be screw-ups no longer how long you’ve been doing something. You can’t control every variable.


Watch the rest of the video to learn the next two signs, and to hear Pat elaborate on all the consequences of being a lone ranger.

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Shane Devine is a writer covering politics, economics, and culture for Valuetainment. Follow Shane on X (Twitter).

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