Time magazine chooses Volodymyr Zelensky and the Spirit of Ukraine as its Person of the Year. Saying this past year has been rough for Ukraine is an understatement. The people of Ukraine have spent the last year defending their homes from Russian attacks, with Zelensky leading the charge as the rest of the world watches and some nations provide aid.

Why did Time choose Ukraine as the Person of the Year 2022? Time magazine’s editor says the decision was “the most clear-cut in memory.” Time editors say Ukraine inspired everyone to come together and fight back in an atmosphere of divisiveness. Zelensky has been able to inspire his people and the rest of the world with his courage.

Courage ultimately lands Ukraine’s people on the front cover of Time. When many underestimated what the people of Ukraine could do, they refused to evacuate and fought hard against Russian troops. They were able to win many battles, including winning back Kherson. The stories from the war have inspired many. From doctors hiding orphan babies who would have been sent to Russia to the many people volunteering to come and help the country fight, Ukraine’s year has been one with many tragedies and triumphs.

The annual magazine issue also acknowledged other heroes. Women in Iran were named Heroes of the year for being the leading force behind mass protests after the death of Mahsa Amini. Amini died in the custody of the country’s morality police.

Other options for Time’s Person of the Year included Liz Cheney, Ron Desantis, and Elon Mush. Who would you have chosen for 2022’s Person of the Year?

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