Former FOX News host Tucker Carlson arrived in Madrid, Spain on Monday night to show support for the right-of-center protests going on in the country.

Carlson, an international icon in the global conservative-populist movement, was welcomed with open arms by the Spanish nationalists and monarchists. One demonstrator was even wearing a t-shirt with Tucker’s face printed on it.


Spain has been experiencing a wave of right-wing protests against acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, a socialist who is accused by the Spanish Right of using amnesty for hundreds of Catalan separatists facing legal actions in order to maintain his power. Tucker joined for the 11th day of the protests.

An official VOX spokesman released a video explaining why they are protesting. According to his explanation, the protestors are fighting back against Sanchez in the name of the rule of law, as his pardons for separatist politicians who attempted a coup d’état represent the dismantling of the Spanish constitution. He claimed the amnesty package includes pardons for street terrorism carried out by separatists, which if passed will mean the Spanish government is illegitimate since it permits crimes for political convenience. The unity of Spain is also guaranteed by the constitution, and the tacit approval of secession, the spokesman argues, would thwart Spanish law.

Carlson was set to interview Santiago Abascal on Tuesday, the leader of the right-of-center VOX Party. As of Wednesday, that interview had not aired.

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“[Carlson] wanted to see what was happening here and that is why they came. They contacted us because of the series of interviews he is doing,” Vox told El Español.

Tucker said he attended the protests because “The world is not seeing it enough and that is why I wanted to come, because it’s not getting the coverage it deserves.” He went on: “Anybody who would violate your Constitution, potentially use physical violence to end democracy is a tyrant, is a dictator. And it’s happening in the middle of Europe, so we thought it deserved more coverage than it’s getting.”

On Tuesday, about 7,000 protestors gathered in front of the headquarters of Patrido Socialista Obrero Espanol (PSOE) in Madrid. On Thursday, the PSOE formed an alliance with Catalan separatist party Junts to form a new government to the chagrin of nationalist and monarchist factions.

A law giving amnesty to prosecuted individuals involved in Catalonia’s secession attempt is what pushed the deal forward. The deal essentially encourages Catalan separatists to make another attempt at secession, promising turmoil for Spain and its unity as a nation.

Last Thursday, Nov. 10th, a conservative Spanish politician was shot in the face and hospitalized by two unidentified figures that sped off on a motorbike. He remains alive and in stable condition. It is unclear if his attack was in connection to the protests, but he was in fact the co-founder of the political party Vox which is carrying them out.

As of Monday, Nov. 13th, the authorities were still trying to establish who carried out the attack on the politician, whose name is Alejo Vidal-Quadros. The National Court of Spain said it is conducting an investigation into the identities of the shooter and his accomplice under the possible operating assumption that they are connected to the Iranian state. Vidal-Quadros suggested this himself as a possibility, due to his long-standing financial engagements with Iranian dissidents.

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