In this landmark 100th episode of The Unusual Suspects, the crew welcomes an extraordinary new guest—Ryan Montgomery, a renowned ethical hacker celebrated for his...
pop culture
Today on the Unusual Suspects, Join Vinnie Oshana, Viva Frei, Connor Walcott, Humberto Bollert, and Danny Debrincat as they celebrate the electoral victory of Donald...
Menendez Brothers Saga, Trump Slammed as Hitler (Again), BRICS Summit, Wall Street Coup | TUS Ep. 94
Today on the Unusual Suspects, our panel unpacks the latest drama in the high-profile Menendez brothers case, returned to the spotlight after more than 30 years. Join...
Today on the Unusual Suspects, join Vinnie Oshana, Viva Frei, Rob Garguilo, Brandon Aceto, and Connor Walcott as they suffer through the latest cringy moments from the...
On today’s special episode of the Unusual Suspects, Tom “the Biz Doc” Ellsworth and Adam “$O$” Sosnick join Vinnie, Rob, and Humberto to...
Teachers Drugging Kids, Lieutenant Dan Survives Hurricane Milton, Scarborough is a Liar | TUS Ep. 90
Today on the Unusual Suspects, join Vinnie, Rob, Brandon, Connor, and Humberto as they address the latest major threats to the 2024 election. Plus, Joe Scarborough...
Join the Unusual Suspects as they hunker down for Hurricane Milton and tackle some of the day’s biggest news stories. On today’s episode, Vinnie unpacks the latest...
This is an emergency broadcast! Tonight, Vinnie teams up with Tom Ellsworth, Brandon Aceto, and Humberto for a live commentary on the highly anticipated Vice...
Biden is Cooked, Hillary Clinton’s War on Free Speech, Ryan Routh’s Son Arrested for CP | TUS Ep. 84
Today on the Unusual Suspects, join Vinnie, Rob, Connor, Brandon, and Tayler for the latest news on Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and Hillary Clinton’s...