The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that a law to require proof of citizenship for voter registration in Arizona can be enforced through the November election. The law is being appealed to the 9th Circuit, but the decision is a victory for Republicans concerned about voter integrity in the state. 

Arizona’s H.B. 2492 was signed into law in March of 2022 by Governor Douglas Ducey. In his signing statement he said: “Election integrity means counting every lawful vote and prohibiting any attempt to illegally cast a vote. H.B. 2492 is a balanced approach that honors Arizona’s history of making voting accessible without sacrificing security in our elections.

He expanded on the problem that the bill focuses on: “In 2014, when the federal form was first used to register Arizona voters who failed to provide evidence of citizenship, a mere 21 voters statewide voted using that method in the primary election. In the 2020 general election, that number climbed to over 11,600. In just Maricopa County alone, there are currently 13,042 active registered voters who have not provided evidence of citizenship to vote through use of the federal form.

Non-citizen voting has been a growing concern, especially among Republicans, since the 2020 election. With illegal immigration on the rise, many are concerned that offers of amnesty and other benefits could sway these individuals to vote for Democrats (if they vote illegally).

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently spoke out about the issue, warning potential illegal voters that there will be legal consequences for doing so.

Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance has accused Kamala Harris of supporting a policy that would “give welfare, amnesty, and voting rights to millions of illegal immigrants.”

Representative Chip Roy spoke on Fox Business about his Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act last week: “They’re using these immigrants as political pawns, and frankly it’s disturbing — Americans are dying from fentanyl poisoning, getting killed like Laken Riley in Georgia, and Democrats are using these people as their political pawns.”

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