During a speech at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual conference, Vice President Kamala Harris criticized Donald Trump’s immigration proposals, particularly his promise of mass deportations, questioning the feasibility of such actions, which she suggested would involve “massive raids” and “detention camps.”

She emphasized the need for a balanced approach that includes a pathway to citizenship while securing the border, stating, “We can do both, and we must do both.” Harris recalled the traumatic family separations of the Trump administration and asserted that Trump’s plans would lead to the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.

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Despite her efforts to rally Hispanic support, recent polling indicates that more Americans, including a significant majority of Republicans, support mass deportations. Nonetheless, Harris remains relatively more favorable in overall public perception compared to Trump, although he holds an advantage in trust regarding immigration issues.

As both candidates campaign in key battleground states, the immigration debate continues to be a pivotal theme leading up to the November election.

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