An official spokesman for militant group Hamas swore on Lebanese TV that attacks on Israel similar to October 7th will occur “again and again.”

The spokesman, Ghazi Hamad, made the remarks on Lebanese channel LBC TV on Oct. 24, 2023.

He described Israel as “a country that has no place on our land, we must remove that country because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and must be finished.” Speaking for Hamas, the official said they are “not ashamed to say this, with full force.”

According to a translation provided by Middle East news network MemriTV, Hamad said:

We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood [Hamas’ name for the Oct. 7 attack] is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight. Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.

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Hamad claimed his militant group “did not want to harm civilians” but had to due to “complications on the ground,” i.e. the Supernova music festival that was attacked by Hamas terrorists who arrived in vans and motorized paragliders, massacring some 260 Israelis. Hamad framed the encounter as an accident, claiming the militants entered the “large area” without knowledge of the festival.

Hamad further called for the end of the Israeli occupation, not only of the Gaza Strip but of the entire Levant.

“Does that mean annihilation of Israel?” the anchor asks him.

“Yes, of course,” he replies. “The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood, and tears. It is Israel, not us. We are the victims of the occupation, period. Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do […] Everything is justified.”

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