Richest man in the world Elon Musk said fellow billionaire George Soros “fundamentally hates humanity” on Joe Rogan Experience, the number one podcast in the world.

Musk began by pointing out that while some hyperfixate on Soros and turn him into a catch-all “boogey man,” he is after all the number one donor to the Democratic Party, after the disgraced Sam Bankman-Fried.

He then offered his opinion that the Hungarian-born financier “fundamentally hates humanity” because he is “doing things that erode the fabric of civilization” such as getting district attorneys elected who refuse to prosecute crime.

“That’s part of the problem in San Francisco—and LA, and a bunch of other cities. So why would you do that?” Elon asked.

“He’s pushing things to other countries too. Now, George at this point is pretty old, I mean he’s not—he’s basically senile at this point. And he’s very smart, and he’s very good at arbitrage. Famously he shorted the British pound, that’s sort of how he made his first money by shorting the pound. He’s good at spotting—arbitrage is basically spotting value for money that others don’t see. Another thing he noticed is that the value for money in local races is much higher than it is in national races.”

Elon explained Soros’ cost-benefit analysis of election funding, pointing out that presidential races are the hardest to influence while state and local races are the easiest due to how much competing money is involved.

“And Soros realized you don’t actually need to change the laws, you just need to change how they’re enforced. If no one chooses to enforce a law, or if the laws are differentially enforced, it’s like changing the laws. That’s what he figured out. It’s arbitrage.”

Rogan also asked Musk what ultimately led to his decision to buy Twitter. Musk replied, “I mean, this is going to sound somewhat melodramatic but I was worried that it was having a corrosive effect on civilization.”

(RELATED: The Reason Elon Musk Felt Like He had To Acquire Twitter)

Musk elaborated that he wanted to prevent the woke “mind virus” that in his opinion destroyed downtown San Francisco, which he said has been transformed into a “zombie apocalypse,” from reaching the rest of humanity. Musk said he was concerned about how the mind virus needed to suppress all opposing viewpoints in order to spread, because it cannot handle scrutiny, and so he intervened to ensure free speech could survive.

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They also discussed the Twitter files, a series of documents Musk leaked to journalists Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, and Michael Shellenberger that revealed the behind-the-scenes discussions on censorship held by Twitter’s previous leadership.

“It was like Pravda, basically. A state publication,” Musk said, referring to the Soviet Union’s state propaganda newspaper.

Twitter’s old regime conducted “Oppression of any views that can be considered middle of the road, but certainly anything on the right,” he said. “I’m not talking, like, far-right, I’m just talking mildly right. Republicans were suppressed at ten times the rate of Democrats. That’s because old Twitter was fundamentally controlled by the far left.”

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