In this video, Patrick Bet-David explains the situation currently taking place between Elon Musk, Tesla, and a Delaware judge who recently ruled against Elon receiving a $56 billion payday.

Something very strange is going on with Tesla right now, because Elon Musk negotiated a contract in February of 2018 with Tesla saying, ‘look I don’t need you to pay me anything if I’m able to grow the company, which I’ll give you the detail: I want to get paid XYZ.’

And for him to do that was insane because at the time Tesla was the most shorted stock on NASDAQ 100: 22 percent of the stock was shorted at a time where the average was 32 percent.

And this guy said ‘no no don’t pay me anything.’

They’re like, ‘no we have to pay you something.’

‘Fine pay me the minimum, wage $37,000.’

This guy hasn’t taken a single penny of his salary $37,000 it stays in the account. All he’s been waiting for is if he blows up Tesla, he wants to win big.


Watch the rest of the video to learn more about his situation in Delaware, where an antitrust bureaucrat has been taking him on.

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