For weeks, the country’s largest colleges and universities have been gripped by violent pro-Palestine protests as student activists and outside agitators call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. However, while the media portrays the demonstrations as part of an organic, grassroots movement, details of the organizations behind the protests—including leaked “resistance literature” literature distributed amongst the participants—indicate that there is far more coordination behind the scenes than the activists will admit.

As Valuetainment previously reported, following the money reveals a direct pipeline leading from the groups behind the country’s largest protests all the way back to billionaire globalist financier George Soros and other left-wing dark money entities. Analysis of financial transactions, donations, and incorporations provided by InfluenceWatch reveals a clear path linking the donors and the protesters.

With a net worth estimated at $6.7 billion, Soros funnels contributions into the Open Society Foundations, the political action arm of his global influence empire. The OSF pours money into the Tides Center, a nonprofit umbrella group that shelters smaller activist groups. Tides in turn donates to another nonprofit group called the Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC) which provides logistical support for leftist groups.

One of WESPAC’s primary child groups is Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which has partnered with a group of anti-Zionist Jewish activists called Jewish Voice for Peace to conduct campus protests around the country. JVP also receives funding from the Tides Center, the OSF, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

The Rockefellers and the OSF also jointly fund the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a group that pays its “fellows” up to $3,600 for engaging in on-campus activism.

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Additionally, further investigation reveals that the activist groups share “resistance literature” among themselves, circulating advice on how to carry out strategic protests and commit illegal activities without getting caught.

One such compilation, a “zine” uncovered on social media by Valuetainment, is entitled How to Get Ready for a Demonstration: Tips and Tricks to Stay Safe and Dangerous in the Streets.

According to the accompanying description shared alongside the advice:

This is a two-part digital ‘zine’, put together by some old heads, that walks the reader through different steps, tools, and strategies in planning for a demonstration. It briefly and accessibly explains how to put together an affinity group, coordinate with others, think through plans and goals for the demo, stay safe from surveillance, and debrief afterwards. Please read and share widely!

The following slides outline a step-by-step guide for engaging in radical political activism.

Related: NYPD Clears Columbia University Pro-Palestine Encampment, 100+ Arrested

Connor Walcott is a staff writer for Follow Connor on X and look for him on VT’s “The Unusual Suspects.”

1 comment

  • It appears that these protests come from the the authors of confected crises Columbia University academics Cloward and Piven.

    In 1966, they devised a strategy to confect a crises using initially in 1966 poverty as a means to initialise a socialist revolution.

    The application of the Cloward and Piven theory is to induce a crisis a political crises occurring in the Middle East.

    The PBD team that discovered a manual on organised protest indicates that the protests fomenting a crisis were highly organised.

    It leads to thinking that protests and demonstrations to foment a crisis such as climate change and gender issues were highly workshopped and organised.

    Many political and community leaders of the left have applied the knowledge of confecting a crisis.

    These leaders were directly and indirectly influenced by the academics Cloward and Piven.

    The consequences are to drag a society to the lowest common denominator.

    Google search Cloward and Piven. You will find that the searches provide countless applications of their strategies.

    Thank you
    From Sydney