There are roughly 74 million fathers in America today and every single one of them at some point is going to experience these three phases you go through with your kids. It also applies also to business and in life.
- First phase: Your kids totally idolize you
- Second phase: They then demonize you
- Third phase: They humanize you
I’m not talking about fatherless homes, either. I’m talking about somebody that is active. Is there is tough on you. Challenges you, kicks your butt, pushes you. All this stuff where you have many opportunities to have a demonizing type of an energy towards your father. What is it on the father? What is it on the seal? What is it on the leader?
3 things:
- 1. The “buddy” phase – you have to win their trust. You have to win their love. They have to know your care about them with your kid. Your kid has to know you love them
- 2: Mentoring them – I would do this if I were you. I would do that if I were you. Try reading this. Try doing that. Do it this way. Do it that way. How about this? How about that? Look at this. Read this article. Look at this video. Look at how he’s doing it. Do you see how she did it? Try that
- 3: Challenge them – I believe you can be X, Y, Z if you do A, B, C. If you as as a leader or a father forget to inject the belief and love in the person that you’re leading and you’re driving, they think that maybe you don’t love them anymore and maybe you don’t believe in them anymore.
In this episode, Patrick Bet-David talks about the three phases fathers go through with their kids that apply to business and life.
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