Being that the SAG Awards were the other night, there should have been an award category for the best fake arrests of the 21st century. Any guess on who the potential winner would be?

Climate change activist and environmental campaigner, Greta Thunberg was twice detained during a demonstration in Oslo on Wednesday.

The demonstration was apparently in support of Indigenous rights – the protestors blocked both finance and environmental ministries, demanding the removal of 151 wind turbines from reindeer pastures used by Sami herders in Central Norway.

What’s funny is that the wind turbines provide green energy, but apparently that comes at the expense of Indigenous rights – whatever that means.

Apparently, reindeer herders say the sight and sound of the giant wind power machinery frighten their animals and disrupt age-old traditions. There seems to be no winning with Thunberg and her climate change followers.

This arrest comes with questions as the videos shared on social media show the arrest a bit too polished and somewhat theatrical.

Video shared via Twitter from @Nowthisnews:

What’s even more amusing are the photo ops caught by journalists of Greta’s recent detainments. Just last month, a wonderfully posed Thunberg was standing alongside German police officers in Garzweiler, holding her arm and escorting her off the prohibited area after photos were taken. Thunberg was detained but not arrested.

Video shared via Twitter of Garzweiler arrest:

Thunberg was protesting the demolition of a village in the area. Police officers claimed the arrest was not staged – the videos beg to differ.

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