If there were ever an example of how to make the best out of an unfortunate situation, Budweiser would be it. The beer company has now figured out what to do with a surplus of beer after Qatar officials suddenly banned all alcohol just days before the start of the tournament.

The beer company, which paid $75 million to sponsor the event, responded to the abrupt announcement with the tweet, ” Well, that’s awkward.” The tweet was quickly deleted afterward. The beer company is tweeting again showing a warehouse with all the beer that could not be sold during the World Cup. They announced the load was now going to the winning country. Budweiser may have yet to gain the estimated amount expected for hosting the soccer tournament, but hopefully, winning celebrations will encourage more people to buy Budweiser. Budweiser did make some money. Fans were able to drink alcohol during the FIFA Fan Festival. The company was also able to sell its alcohol-free lager, Bud Zero.

Strict rules in the Muslim country of Qatar have made for an interesting World Cup. While soccer teams battle it out on the field, more battles are happening off the field. The game is Qatar officials versus everyone. From celebrities declining to perform during halftimes to soccer fans defiantly wearing rainbow flags, World Cup 2022 is making as many headlines off the field as it is on.

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