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Do you know how many times I hear a message like, “Pat! I’ve got a billion dollar idea! We’re going to be the next billion dollar company!” In this video I get into why your great idea sucks, and why you should stop focusing on great ideas.

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Zuckerberg and Parker vs. The Winklevoss Brothers – 2:35

Steve Wozniak vs. Steve Jobs – 3:52

The McDonald Brothers vs. Ray Kroc – 4:32

Who is Nick Swinmurn? – 5:50

Martin Eberhard vs. Elon Musk – 6:29

If You Want to Make a Lot of Money. . . 7:17

I Couldn’t Sell Anything to Anybody – 7:51

Focus on Mastering Selling – 10:02

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Schedule: New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday on a broad array of entrepreneurial topics.

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