There is no statistical data to back this up, but it appears that being a very successful ex-comic is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. No further proof is needed than hearing what Jay Leno has endured the past few months. The former Tonight Show host on NBC has had two horrific accidents lately that have left him seriously injured.  The rough part for Leno is that both seem like they could have been avoidable. 

Leno told the Las Vegas Review that he got “knocked off” his motorcycle on January 17, which sent him back to the hospital. 

“I’ve got a broken collarbone. I’ve got two broken ribs. I’ve got two cracked kneecaps.”

That list of ailments would keep most senior citizens on the couch or in bed for weeks but not Leno.

“I’m o.k.  I’m working.  I’m working this weekend.”

Just like when he suffered severe burns working in his garage in 2022, a vintage vehicle put Leno in this mess. He said he was testing a 1940 vintage motorcycle when he smelled gas and pulled over.

“So I turned down a side street and cut through a parking lot, and unbeknownst to me, some guy had a wire strung across the parking lot but with no flag hanging from it. I didn’t see it until. It was too late.”

The accident-prone Leno wanted to keep his latest one on the down low.   

“You know, after getting burned up, you get that one for free. After that, you’re Harrison Ford crashing airplanes. You just want to keep your head down.”

It might be a good idea if Len’s friends chipped in to buy this man a set of golf clubs. 

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