What are you willing to do for success?

Most people want success; Few people are willing to take the necessary roadmap to achieve their greatest hopes and dreams in life.

16% of the American workforce consists of entrepreneurs.

Most people are not fit to be entrepreneurs. Very few people possess the skillsets, drive, and mindset to be an entrepreneur, let alone, a successful one.

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are 31 million entrepreneurs in the U.S., which is only 16% of the adult workforce.


The 6 Types of Entrepreneurs – Which One Are You?

There are six kinds of entrepreneur personality types including the hustler, the innovator, the machine, the prodigy, the strategist, and the visionary.

1. The Hustler

Signs you might be a Hustler – 

  • You don’t wait for opportunities to present themselves, you CREATE them.
  • You play the long game. You understand the importance of “aggressive patience” as Patrick Bet-David says.
  • You are incredibly dedicated and committed to your work.
  • You’re disciplined.
  • Ambitious and determined.
  • You’re not afraid to take risks.
  • You never give up until you get what you want.
  • You anticipate the best, not the worst.

The Hustler

Hustlers are enthusiastic confident. They could sell ice to an eskimo because they’re naturally great salespeople.

The hustler isn’t afraid to go after what they want and defy all odds.

They aren’t afraid to take risks and are willing to pay the “consequences” a risk may present because they view it as a learning lesson for growth.

The hustler will always find a way to solve their problems and achieve success. They are naturally competitive and very thorough when it comes to their work ethics and abilities to perform.

2. The Innovator

Signs you might be an Innovator –

  • Positive mindset.
  • You recognize market needs incredibly well.
  • You take chances.
  • Quirky. Innovators don’t follow trends, they create them.
  • Great imagination.
  • Wants to make a great impact in the world.
  • You think outside the box.
  • You hate rules and limitations.
  • You’re unafraid.

The Innovator

The innovator is incredibly creative and resourceful.

Innovators combine their skills, knowledge, and resources to create the next big thing.

They understand that the key to success is innovation and are inspired by various entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and others who have created something incredibly impactful.

The innovator seeks to leave an impact on the world and create meaningful products and services.

Those who are innovative tend to be deep thinkers. They love to think and use their imagination. It usually comes naturally to them because of their creativity and optimistic mindset.

Innovators are very open-minded people.

After all, to be innovative, you have to be willing to do something nobody has ever done before, with confidence and a wide range of ideas and knowledge. Innovators aren’t afraid to go against the status quo. They create trends and rarely follow them.

Innovators know there is no guarantee that their product or service will work or be a success, but they’re willing to take the risk and try!

The 7 Money Personality Types – Which One Are You?

3. The Machine

Signs you might be a Machine –

  • Work is your number one priority.
  • Great problem-solver.
  • Diligent.
  • You move quickly and accomplish tasks rapidly.
  • Your brain thinks at lightning speed.
  • You never miss a deadline.
  • You take pride in your work.
  • Unapologetic workaholic

The Machine

The Machine works fast and never fails to miss a deadline.

Equipped with a strong sense of duty and an aptitude for problem solving, this type of person can transform a simple proof of concept into a marketable product in even the tightest schedules.

This type of entrepreneur takes all of his duties and responsibilities very seriously.

They might even sacrifice holidays, time with loved ones, and their own personal time to work. The most important priority in their life is their work.

They are unapologetic workaholics who immerse themselves in what they do, sometimes failing to recognize the importance of balance in life.

They are also diligent, meticulous, and accurate with their work.

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4. The Prodigy

Signs you might be a Prodigy –

  • You possess a stoic demeanor
  • Social
  • Naturally charismatic
  • You genuinely enjoy learning about others.
  • Curious
  • Intrinsic business sense.
  • You use your network to build success
  • Financially knowledgable and sound
  • Emotionally intelligent.

The Prodigy

The “Prodigy” is naturally curious about the world we live in.

They take a strong interest in learning about others and how their journeys have shaped them as people.

The prodigy possesses a stoic demeanor and is emotionally intelligent.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

The prodigy likely believes in the law of attraction or law of reciprocation. What you give is what you get. They have an overall positive mindset but also possess a sense of realism. They aren’t afraid to face the truth.

The entrepreneurial prodigy is extroverted and witty. They love to learn through experience and aren’t afraid to say what’s on their mind. Their natural charisma gets them through everything in life.

They will pursue everything their heart desires and never stop until they achieve their greatest hopes and dreams.

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5. The Strategist

Signs you might be a Strategist –

  • Creative
  • Tactical thinker
  • Methodical
  • Loves to plan.
  • Long-term thinker
  • Ambitious
  • Resilient

The Strategist

Strategists are long-term thinkers who love to plan everything. They enjoy finding solutions to problems and brainstorming new ideas.

This type of entrepreneur will most likely win any battle and competition they are in. They’re practically unstoppable.

They overcome their struggles admirably well, making them very resilient people. A great strategist puts himself in the shoes of all his opponents (competitors) to determine the best way to succeed.

Strategists are likely deep thinkers who love to read and learn about a variety subjects.

Strategists can be conniving at times if it means getting what they want.

They’re willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

That’s what capitalism is all about, isn’t it? 

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6. The Visionary

Signs you might be a Visionary –

  • Dreamer
  • Passionate
  • Creative
  • Goal-oriented
  • Unique thinker
  • Open-minded.
  • Constantly thinking
  • Enthusiastic
  • Team-builder
  • Emotionally intelligent

The Visionary

The visionary combines news and innovative ideas with the drive and enthusiasm needed to rally the masses behind them.

They are naturally innovative people who have big dreams and goals in life.

Visionaries are very goal oriented. They love creating goals and achieving them. Whatever they dream of or wish to see in the world typically fuels their entrepreneurial endeavors.

They love to try new things, take risks, and study new business concepts.

A visionary entrepreneur is constantly coming up with new ideas and pitching their thoughts to others to see how they will react.

Visionaries are great team-builders because they know that the only way to achieve their greatest hopes and dreams in life is by building incredible teams of equally passionate individuals. They love meeting new people and networking with others.

“You never know who might be your next investor, business partner, or team player.”

In their eyes, everything and anything can be utilized as a resource to make their vision a reality, and there’s nothing wrong with being driven and ambitious.

After all, that’s what makes a great entrepreneur. 

The 7 Money Personality Types – Which One Are You?



Elena Patestas is a journalist and writer for Valuetainment media. She attended Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, and Adelphi University on Long Island, New York. She was born and raised in Roslyn, New York, and currently lives in Miami, Florida.

Elena is passionate about bringing positive change to our world and believes education is the root to solving many societal problems. After overcoming a chronic health condition, Elena became passionate about health and believes food is the key to preventing dis-ease and achieving optimum health.

Amongst her many goals, she hopes to bring positive, impactful change to our world to create a healthy, financially sound, and unified society.