Luis Elizondo explains the potential implications of UAP technology, highlighting the fact that no known country, including Russia or China, could have created this...
UFO Files
“UFO Files” – Luis Elizondo PREDICTS Full Disclosure: How Soon Will UFO & Alien Secrets Be Revealed?
Luis Elizondo explains the complementary roles of private organizations like MUFON and government agencies in investigating UAPs. He emphasizes that collaboration...
“National Security Issue” – Luis Elizondo WARNS: UFOs A Danger To U.S Military Sites & Nuclear Bases
Luis Elizondo, a former special agent, shares his journey from growing up in South Florida, studying microbiology at the University of Miami, to joining the military and...
“We Are Not Alone” – Luis Elizondo on Real UFO Encounters, Government Secrets, and Underwater Aliens
Patrick Bet-David interviews Luis Elizondo a former U.S. military intelligence official who led the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program...