Exactly one year after the coronavirus realities hit most Americans in the face, President Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, which will send direct payments up to $1,400 to Americans and extend a $300 per week unemployment insurance supplement.

Biden said it was his first priority as President, and he will talk about it in a nationally televised address on Thursday night.

Checks should start arriving for people that qualify for them by next week.  The bill also puts almost $20 billion into COVID-19 vaccinations and $25 billion into rental utility assistance.

But wait there’s more.  $350 billion will be used for state, local and tribal relief, so help is coming in the form of cash!

Biden was more than happy to sign the bill. “This historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country. And giving people in this nation, working people, middle class folks, the people who built this country, a fighting chance,” he said.

The signing of the bill comes as more states continue to open their economies further.

Biden was scheduled to sign the bill officially on Friday, but it was moved up a day to allow the checks to get printed and sent out to Americans a day sooner.

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