Why is it that Indian immigrants from India are killing the game compared to every other ethnic group in America? Not by 5%, not by 10% – but by 20% in income.

Successful incomes?

  • Indians: $120,000
  • Taiwanese: 25%
  • Chinese: 24%
  • 4th is Japanese. Then Pakistani, Filipino, Indonesian, Korean, Cambodian monks, and Vietnamese.

Americans are at an average income being $65,000. Indians make 55 more thousand dollars per year than white Americans. Now, try convincing and immigrant to only work four days a week. They will laugh at you. The whole purpose of coming to America is that they can work as much as they want. It’s called a free enterprise. Look at this year in 2021 – 80% of Indian immigrants over 25 years old or older, reported having at least a bachelor’s degree versus only a third of all.

According to National Center for Family and Marriage Research, black Americans have the highest divorce rate, 30.8%. Hispanics are 18 and a half. Whites are 15.1, other is 12.4, but for Indian families, you ready? There are some studies that save 1.3% and some that show 6%, but they’re lower than anybody else. When it comes down to this, obviously, uh, some of it has to do with culture, ritual, all of that. Purely based off of statistics, they have the lowest divorce rate.

Here are a couple of other things. According to Indianparenting.com, there are 10 things that they do differently in their parenting.

  • 1: They promote kinship. Indian parents make it a point to foster relationships and associate themselves with their social and family acquaintances. They edify their children to be in social connections, and also maintain healthy connections with their relatives. More so they stay as shelter beside their children until they are married. Even after that, the parents support their youngsters emotionally in order to provide the much needed support. Ideal Indian parents create a social environment where the concept of family is expanded to all.


  • 2: Self-sacrifice. Almost every Indian parent sacrifices their lives in some way to devote themselves in raising their kids. Indian mothers compromise their dreams and passions to take care of their children. Fathers often make compromises in their careers to ensure wellbeing of the young ones. Interesting. Everything about life becomes about pouring them to their kids and look at the types of kids that they’re developed.


  • 3: They are trustworthy and friendly. Trust is one thing that Indian parents mostly possess. This factor makes them the best friend of their children, at least till their adulthood. Indian mothers become best friends to their sons, while the daughters love to confide their secrets with their fathers, growing up.


  • 4: Quality time. Indian parents, emit their busy schedule, give quality time to their children. They spend great time with their wards. Instead of just letting them grow in their own way, they’re involved. They’re not letting them go and let society raise their kids. They’re very much involved with their kids.


  • 5: They nurture their kids’ talents. When it comes down to Indian parents, they are great at identifying the skills and unique talents of their children. They tore hard to enhance the special gifts their kids bring.


  • 6: They are inquisitive. That’s one quality Indian parents have that their children are annoyed about. Very interesting. However, Indians keep a very sharp eye on their kids. Instead of breaching the freedom and privacy of their children, parents stay watchful about their offspring.


  • 7: Culture. Indian parents instill their fundamental culture and religious values into their children right at their childhood. India is a country that has deep rooted cultural values. It’s traditions and legacies are well maintained. Indian parents make it a point to impart the same value into their children. Don’t go away from your values and principles.


  • 8: Religious tolerance. India is a land of diversity with multitude of ethnic racists, having dissimilar values and ethos. Indian parents infuse the ethics in their children that let them respect people hailing from different religions, cast creep and racists respect.


  • 9: Indian parents are highly judgmental. That definitely helps them in keeping their children safe from negatives. This is also one of the best qualities of an Indian parent to implant the same insightful abilities in their successors. ATAs finals.


  • 10: They multitask. Most Indians are hardworking. They are diligent when it comes on to handling their parenting tasks. The moms and dads in India do great multitasking while managing their personal and professional life. They strike a fine balance between their times and dedicate adequate time to both their children and their jobs.

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