People are concerned, confused and wondering what the hell is going on with inflation – some are saying inflation is lowering. Yet in Q1 alone, roughly 270,000 job cuts have been made by U.S. employers – that’s a 396% increase compared to last year. People are starting to realize just this year – about 2 or 3 months ago, they changed something within the Bureau of Labor Statistics on how they measure inflation and people are starting to realize this.

Today, we are being told that inflation is 6 and 1/2 percent. Technically, that’s not soooo bad.


  • Chicken is up 10 and 1/2%
  • Milk is up 26%
  • Eggs are up 170% in certain markets
  • Coffee is up 13%
  • Baby food is up 10%
  • Rice and pasta is up 15%
  • Bread is up 15%

Yet, when looking at the data there are “shadow statistics” used to measure inflation. When you look at the blue vs. red colors, the red shows 6%, however, the blue shows somewhere between a 13-14% inflation rate. There is something quietly announced on the BLS (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) website. Beginning with the January 2023 index scheduled for publication on February 14, 2023, BLS plans to update the spending weights in the calculation of CPI every year instead of two years.

What’s the big deal with this? If you look at the historical rates, we’re just going to go back five years. Things were recorded month to month. If they were to measure inflation like before, then they would have to mention the 4.3% inflation increase compared to two years ago.

We have our phenomenal policies to blame. The middle class is feeling this the most. Shelter is also up 7.9% – the average person cannot afford to have something like this go up. Transporation is up 14.6%

If you go to shelter, look how much we’re up in shelter is 7.9%. The average person cannot afford to have 7.9% of their shelter costs going up. Americans love beef and those prices are rising so high that Americans are saying, “We can’t afford to buy beef anymore.” This is causing you and I to change our consumption behavior.

There’s a clear difference between what the White House and the mainstream media tells us versus what we’re actually living through. We need to create awareness and share this with others. Why is this going on? We need to call out BLS. This is also not the time to splurge. Pay attention to what you are spending on. Cancel unnecessary memberships. Audit your credit cards and finances before the IRS does. You also need to increase your market value to the best of your ability. Be proactive on pivoting in your favor.

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