President Volodymyr Zelensky held a press conference in Kyiv, answering questions and addressing Americans with concerns.

Zelensky began by thanking Americans for showing support to Ukraine and said he believed withdrawing or decreasing support could hypothetically have an impact on their children, should Russia win the war as a result.

The Twitter-verse went NUTS when a snippet of Zelensky went viral, garnering over 3.5 million views. According to the video, Zelensky states that “The US will have to send their sons and daughters to war, and they will be dying.”

People took to Twitter to share their rage and disbelief at how Zelensky could say such a thing.

Some responses via Twitter:

However, the video was apparently missing context.

In the full video, Zelensky stated, “Who wants a third world war? Would anyone be willing to accept that risk? The U.S. is never going to give up on the NATO member states. If it happens so, that Ukraine, due to various opinions and weakening and depletion of assistance, loses, Russia is going to enter NATO member states and then the U.S. will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way we are sending their sons and daughters to war. And they will have to fight, because it is NATO we are talking about and they will be dying, God forbid, because it’s a horrible thing. I wish peace and Ukrainian support to the United States.”

With the missing context included, does this make his comment sound any better or do more questions arise?

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