Are you obsessed with Pete Davidson’s love life?  Or whether Kim Kardashian and Kanye will get back together?  

Does the fact that Jennifer Aniston has still not had a baby truly bother you?  

Are you wondering what Ben and Jen are doing for Valentine’s Day?  Do you have a spreadsheet that keeps track of Taylor Swift’s ex-lovers?

Gosh, I hate to break it to you, but you might not be that smart. 

That’s not my observation; it’s the findings from new research by Hungarian academics, who published a study in MBC Psychology saying, “there is a direct association between celebrity worship and poorer performance on cognitive tests.” 

Let me break down what these European brainiacs are actually saying. According to their research, people obsessed with celebrity culture and news of A-list celebrities are stupid.  They say their findings show that these people who devour TMZ, tabloid rags, and reality TV score lower on tests that measure literacy and numeracy. 

Here are some details of how they came to this conclusion.  They had almost 2,000 Hungarian adults take a 30-word vocabulary test and digital symbol substitution test before they were asked to complete a “Celebrity Attitude Scale” questionnaire to determine their levels of interest in famous people. 

The researchers concluded that people who scored high on the Celebrity Attitude Scale lined up with the lower scores on the tests that measure intelligence. 

However, researchers couldn’t figure out if the people obsessed with celebrities scored lower because they spend so much time following stories of A-list stars or if they were just dumb to start with. 

So, until another study can get us more answers, we don’t know if worshipping celebrities and celebrity culture cause your brain to become less effective. 

By the way, it appears Kim K and Kanye are never, ever, getting back together. 

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