Good health is true wealth!

(If you suspect that you’re having a stroke or a heart attack right now, stop reading this and go to the hospital immediately.)

Without our health, we have nothing.

Think about the people you know… Unfortunately, it’s most probable that you can think of at least three people (probably more) that have been diagnosed with a health condition.

America is not in a healthy state… physically, mentally, or emotionally.

We can’t blame anyone but ourselves for the things we consume… But we can blame the FDA and U.S. government for allowing certain chemicals and pesticides in our foods and farms.

No mainstream politician has actively addressed our country’s growing health problems. We hear politicians and other prominent leaders discussing mental health, but we fail to see them make any sort of changes to improve the problem.

At the end of the day, we should not be depending on our governments to handle this problem and look at ourselves as the ones who need to take responsibility and make some positive changes to our lives.

66% of children’s and teens’ diets consist of ultra-processed foods. 😳

The following map shows America’s projected obesity rates by 2030 –

73% of adults in America are overweight, according to the CDC.

By 2030, 60% of Americans will be obese.

You heard that right!

Adjust your lifestyle for optimal health.

It’s so much easier to take a pill, but why not try some simple lifestyle changes first? It will help prevent other diseases and keep you feeling your best – mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

At the end of the day, you want to be at your optimal level of health, not just mediocre!

How can you decrease your risk for stroke, blood clots, and cardiovascular disease?

According to Harvard Health, here are 7 ways to combat your risk for cardiovascular diseases.

1. Lower Your Blood Pressure

How to achieve it:

  • Reduce the salt in your diet to no more than 1,500 milligrams a day (about a half teaspoon).
  • Avoid high-cholesterol foods, such as burgers, cheese, and ice cream.
  • Eat 4 to 5 cups of fruits and vegetables every day, one serving of fish two to three times a week, and several daily servings of whole grains and low-fat dairy.
  • Get more exercise — at least 30 minutes of activity a day, and more, if possible.
  • Quit smoking, if you smoke.

If needed, take blood pressure medications.


2. Lose Weight

Cut out all processed foods. Eat more filling foods like steak, fish, or chicken. Snack on fruits. Eat vegetables. Drink lots of water. Enjoy an appetite-suppressing coffee.

Everything in moderation…

You know your own weaknesses. Work on your bad habits and remind yourself it’s okay to have a bad day here and there.

Weight loss takes time. Create a plan and stick with it.

You got this. 

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3. Eat Healthy / See a Nutritionist

You can be skinny and unhealthy.

It’s essential to eat foods that are nourishing and rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Eating healthy isn’t about being skinny – It’s about making sure our bodies have the necessary nutrients to function and feel our best.

Our food has a direct impact on our mental, physical, and emotional health.

Make an appointment with a nutritionist or dietitian. It’s more than likely that your insurance plan covers dietitians, in which case, you should take full advantage of it!

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@Jenselter via Instagram.

4. Exercise

Exercise isn’t only for weight loss. It’s so important that we move our bodies and get the blood flowing.

Exercising gets us sweaty which helps us remove toxins from our bodies faster.

Building muscle is so important for our muscles and bones. Exercise is necessary to have strong bones for a strong immune system. The younger you are while making this a habit, the better. It won’t be as easy to exercise when you’re older.


5. Build Strong Bones

This might sound like a weird one, but don’t underestimate the power of your bones and their impact on your health.

Did you know that T-cells, including red and white blood cells, are made in bones?

T-cells are part of the immune system and develop from stem cells in the bone marrow. They help protect the body from viruses, infections, and diseases.

These cells play a critical role in preventing cancer.

Muscle-strengthening exercises will help as well as an adequate intake of vitamin D and minerals including magnesium and calcium are also essential.

Eat lots of protein and make sure you are consuming all essential amino acids.

This will help your health in the long term. When you’re 80 years old and have strong bones, you will be grateful for your hard work and effort when you were younger.


6. Take Medication When Needed

Medications and pills have become very normalized. Unfortunately, because most people fail to clean up their diets and adopt a healthier lifestyle, they need to get on medications to save their own lives. In some cases, the damage is irreparable, and medication is the only option. To prevent that from happening, a change in lifestyle sooner rather than later is suggested.

According to the WHO, “patients with cardiovascular disease should have access to appropriate technology and medication. Basic medicines that should be available include aspirin, beta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and statins.


7. Surgery

Sometimes, surgical operations are required to treat cardiovascular diseases.

The WHO suggests some procedures including coronary artery bypass, balloon angioplasty (where a small balloon-like device is threaded through an artery to open the blockage), valve repair and replacement, heart transplantation, and artificial heart operations.

Medical devices are required to treat some cardiovascular diseases including pacemakers, prosthetic valves, and patches for closing holes in the heart.


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